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ach ab ea gur chuir sibh cuireadh orm but it was because you invited me Everyday phrases Feelings Relationships Conversation Adverbs
agus níor mhoithigh aon fhocal ba mhó air sin and I won't hear anything more about it Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings Conversation Idioms
tiogainní come on, I have heard teanamaí also used to address more than one person Everyday phrases Conversation Language People Activities Log in to hear
gaéthe is fuar a' gaéthe é sin (TmB); tá gaéthe beag fuar a' tíocht aníos annsin. cold sting, breeze Adjectives Weather Feelings Conversation Everyday phrases Log in to hear
boráiste charlock, which in other parts of the country is called praiseach Plants Geographical terms Food and drink Conversation Life & death Log in to hear
chugad chugad a' luaith! said by a woman when putting out ashes; chugad a' púc', beware of the pooka! common in the phr. níor úirt siad chugad a' púc' liom (I met them on the road) and they said not a word, spoke not a word to me beware! look out! Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Idioms Folklore Log in to hear
tionnscain cé thionnscain é, who started it (fight)? (TmB); is tú a thionnscail a' troid (EOCn); v.n. a' tionnscaint. begin, start Activities Verbs Conversation Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
maidir le maidir le cúrsaí truipéad dó, well, as for truipéad as regards Conversation Everyday phrases Feelings Language Arguments Log in to hear
climirt "strippings". This same form I heard at Cor Fhéilim near Ballyvary. Objects Geographical terms Conversation Activities Folklore Log in to hear
a ro bhí tú ar an aonach, a Pheatsaí. (Freagra) bhí, a'ro, I was, yes; I was indeed. Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Verbs People Log in to hear
bachlóg chuir siad bachlóg ar a theangaidh, after which he could not speak properly or at all. Activities Feelings Conversation Health Disaster Log in to hear
béinn A. Tá É. a' teacht aríst. B. Béinn Dé ort, a' bhfuil? (ML), and confirmed by (BR); the meaning seems to be something like 'Go to God, do you tell me so?' expressing a mixture of wonder and delight. Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Religion Idioms Log in to hear
bréag níl mé a' cur bréige air, I'm not belying him Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs Conversation Idioms Log in to hear
Breathnach Riocard a' Bhreathnaigh, Riocard a' Tower, was a well known seanachai People Folklore Activities Adjectives Conversation Log in to hear
ca fhad cád a fuai' tú? go dtí tiompó ar ais Everyday phrases Conversation Adjectives Verbs Transportation Log in to hear