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Agus shíl nach raibh a leithéid de rud thall i Tenerife. And I thought there was no such thing over in Tenerife. Everyday phrases Feelings Places Conversation Geographical terms
Shíl mise nach raibh dada ann ach tránna agus. . . I thought there was nothing but beaches and. . . Abstract nouns Geographical terms Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Feelings
mise ar an taobh eile den oileán. I'm on the other side of the island. Geographical terms Prepositions Place names Everyday phrases The seashore
Taobh ó thuaidh ó dheas? - Téann na daoine sin . . . North or south? - Those people go. . . Geographical terms People Conversation Questions Verbs
Ó thuaidh. Is iad. . . Ó dheas a théanns na daoine ar a laethanta saoire, North. They go. . . They go south on their holidays, Geographical terms Activities Time Travel Everyday phrases
Mar i bhfad níos gréine ó dheas. Because there's a lot more sun in the south. Adjectives Amount Geographical terms Weather Comparatives
Ach . . . Ó dheas, níl a fhios agam ar dúirt mé. . . ó dheas. . . But. . . south, I don't know if I said. . . south. . . Conversation Geographical terms Everyday phrases Adverbs Uncertainty
mise ó thuaidh, sa tuisceart agus i bhfad . . . I'm in the north, in the north and it's much. . . Geographical terms Everyday phrases Feelings Weather Adverbs
Is ea. Trátaí, agus fíonchaora go háithrid, le haghaidh fíon a dhéanamh. Fíon Spáinneach. Indeed. Tomatoes, and grapes especially, for making wine. Spanish wine. Food and drink Everyday phrases Feelings Likes & dislikes Geographical terms
an-tóir ar na grapes acu anseo. There's a great demand for grapes here. Abstract nouns Food and drink Adjectives Amount Geographical terms
Fásann chuile shórt go breá anseo. Everything grows well here. Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives Geographical terms Physical descriptions
Cén fáth go ndeachaidh anonn ansin anois go Tenerife, an chéad ariamh agus gur b'in é an taobh a ndeachfaidh agus gur b'in é an cheird atá ort ann? Why did you go over there to Tenerife initially, and to go to this side (of the island) and with this occupation you have? Activities Geographical terms Questions Life & death Relationships