Irish English Tags Audio
Fonn Melody Abstract nouns Music Log in to hear
Foghraíocht Pronunciation Abstract nouns Language Grammar Log in to hear
Achmhainní Resources Abstract nouns Arguments Everyday phrases Money Objects Log in to hear
Moltaí Suggestions Abstract nouns Arguments Conversation Feelings Likes & dislikes Log in to hear
Foghlaí Mara Pirate Abstract nouns People Folklore Adjectives Animals Log in to hear
maidath ceatha rainbow Abstract nouns Geographical terms Natural phenomena Colours Weather Log in to hear
Agallamh Interview Activities Abstract nouns Conversation Work Log in to hear
Dream Group/Drop Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Abstract nouns Relationships Log in to hear
Cuireann muid dearcadh nua-aimseartha air We give it a new outlook Activities Adjectives Abstract nouns Verbs Relationships
Seanchas/Béaloideas Folklore Abstract nouns Folklore Culture
Baineann muid tionchar ón miotaseolaíocht agus ón tseanchas go háirithe ó na réithe inár stair ina raibh an draíocht agus neart ár sinsir i mbarr a réime agus béim sna liricí ar an tseandálaíocht agus stair na tíre go háirithe ó thaobh na séadchomharthaí de We derive influence from mythology and from folklore, especially from the periods in our history when the magic and strength of our people were at their height and there is an emphasis in the lyrics on the archaeology and history fo the country especially in relation to ancient monuments Folklore History Feelings Abstract nouns Music
Oidhreacht Heritage Abstract nouns Culture Traditions Folklore
Cumadóireacht Composition Abstract nouns Activities Music
Amhrán/Amhráin Song/Songs Abstract nouns Music Objects
hiad na tionchair is atá ar bhur bhfuaim? What are the greatest influences on your sound? Abstract nouns Feelings Music Conversation Questions Log in to hear