Irish English Tags Audio
ann anois go buan. I am there now permanently. Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Time To be able to
Tá, tá. Yes, yes. Everyday phrases Interjections Conversation Feelings Adverbs
Bhoil, faoi lathair ag feliméaracht ann. Well, currently I am farming there. Activities Farming life Everyday phrases Verbs Adverbs
dalladh dhi ann mar bhí ag báisteach le deireanach agus níl anois ann ach. . . There's plenty of it because it was raining recently and now there's nothing by. . . Everyday phrases Weather Feelings Activities Adverbs
Muise, ab ea? Really, is that so? Adverbs Conversation Everyday phrases Interjections Feelings
Níl, ar ndóigh. No, of course not. Everyday phrases Conversation Interjections Adverbs Feelings
Níl faoi láthair, ach bhíodh i gcónai. Not at the moment, but I used to always. Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Adverbs Time
Bhíodh go leor acu agam, ach faoi láthair níl aon cheann agam, agus ag iarraidh é sin a athrú. I used to have a lot of them, but at the moment I don't have any, and I'm trying to change that. Everyday phrases Feelings Likes & dislikes Verbs Adverbs
Ach . . . Ó dheas, níl a fhios agam ar dúirt mé. . . ó dheas. . . But. . . south, I don't know if I said. . . south. . . Conversation Geographical terms Everyday phrases Adverbs Uncertainty
mise ó thuaidh, sa tuisceart agus i bhfad . . . I'm in the north, in the north and it's much. . . Geographical terms Everyday phrases Feelings Weather Adverbs
Bíonn ag baisteach in amanna anseo, inniu mar shampla. It rains sometimes here, today for example. Weather Everyday phrases Time Adverbs Places
Á, muise, go bhfuil chomh maith dhuit. Ah, indeed, it would be well for you! Everyday phrases Interjections Adverbs Feelings Advice
Fásann, is dóigh. It does, I suppose. Everyday phrases Conversation Adverbs Feelings Idioms
Ó, bíonn ag fás i gcaitheamh na bliana! Oh, it grows all year round! Activities Adverbs Plants Time Feelings
Agus bhí fíor, And it was true, Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Adverbs Verbs