Irish English Tags Audio
cleiteach tá an garla cleiteach ar a' gcirc, the hen is in her pen-feathers Animals Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Places Log in to hear
cloigíneacht a' cloigíneacht orthaí People Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Language Log in to hear
cluas bain a' chluas duíom má thugann tú an lámh faoi'n talamh leat (ars an tAthair Mánus) (Sb). = 'mark my words'. Everyday phrases Idioms Conversation Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
comhráidhteach c. maith, a good conversationalist Adjectives Conversation Personality Feelings Likes & dislikes Log in to hear
dochar beag a' dochar dhuit náire a bheith ort, you should be ashamed of yourself Feelings Everyday phrases Idioms Conversation Adjectives Log in to hear
dóráinín is tú an dóráinín, tá tú iarrth', your are the silly little thing, you're daft Adjectives Feelings Everyday phrases Terms of endearment Conversation Log in to hear
éisteacht bhfuil tú ag éisteacht liom, are you listening to me? Activities Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Verbs Log in to hear
fearb in phr. m'fhearb, my word; 'seadh, m'fhearb, yes, indeed Everyday phrases Idioms Interjections Feelings Conversation Log in to hear
fuarthas nach mór a fuarthas thú, hadn't you the "neck", the "cheek" Feelings Everyday phrases Idioms Conversation Personality Log in to hear
garastainceam bhí sé i n-a gharastainceam aige .i. bhí sé bun os cionn aige, nó i n-aimhréidh; ní thiocfadh leis a dhéanamh. Feelings Conversation Idioms Everyday phrases Life & death Log in to hear
gein níl gein ann, níl éinne ann Everyday phrases Feelings Negative construction Conversation Idioms Log in to hear
gné ní fhaca sé a ghath ná a ghné, he saw nothing Feelings Conversation Adjectives Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
reamhar ná tóig oram í .i. caint reamhar, rough speech, using curse-words, etc. Everyday phrases Feelings Language Adjectives Conversation Log in to hear
scoith scoith muid thú, we passed you out (on the road) (CN); scoith sí iad, thóig sí an rás orthú, she won the race from them (Sb). Activities Conversation Verbs Feelings Transportation Log in to hear
sméadhamh níl s. ar bith sa tinidh agad, your fire is nearly dead Everyday phrases Feelings Health Adjectives Conversation Log in to hear