Irish English Tags Audio
bhuail eh, an chaora lena cnagann é the sheep hit him like a hammer Animals Comparison Verbs Idioms Similes
agus d'imigh na rubálaidhe leofa and the robbers went off Activities People Verbs Idioms The city
Bhíodh a bhonnaíochaí dóite sa luaith aige agus ba in é an fáth ar bhaist Seán Caolchat na Luathadh air. His pipe was always burnt out in the ashes, and that was why Seán Caolchat called him Luathadh (Ashes). Everyday phrases Feelings Names Idioms Objects
Chuirfeadh súil insa dall. "It would put eyes into the blind," he said. Idioms Feelings Conversation Relationships Verbs
Bhéarfadh amharc dhon dall is (chuirfeadh) súil sa nach bhfuil aon súil ina cheann. "It would bring sight to the blind and it would put eyes into the one who had no eyes in his head". Abstract nouns Feelings Idioms Life & death Health
Agus... bhuel, fhaghaimse é sin, arsa an fear seo, cuirfidh sé, b'fhéidir, súil in mo cheann. "And, well, if I get that," said this man, "perhaps it will put eyes in my head." Conversation Feelings Interjections People Idioms
. . .ní ar laethanta saoire, a déarfainn, atá se ann. . . . not on holidays, I would say, that's him. Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Idioms Adverbs
Fásann, is dóigh. It does, I suppose. Everyday phrases Conversation Adverbs Feelings Idioms
Agus dúirt me liom féin nach raibh aon fhírinne ansin, And I said to myself there was no truth in that, Conversation Feelings Idioms Personal thoughts Abstract nouns
chreideann mé. If you believe me. Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Verbs Idioms