Irish English Tags Audio
coirbhthe fear coirbthí, a cross man, would jump at you; tá sé coirbthí inniú, níl aon ghráinne tobac aige cross, short-tempered Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases People Personality Log in to hear
criogaire cricket (BS); she has the same pronunciation for 'cigire'. Activities Language People Objects Everyday phrases Log in to hear
tiogainní come on, I have heard teanamaí also used to address more than one person Everyday phrases Conversation Language People Activities Log in to hear
aighneasúil na hAlbanaigh - na seandaoine is measa; an dream óg - tá siad níos aighneasúl' , more affable, more communicative, more sociable chatty, talkative Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Everyday phrases People Log in to hear
séin bhí séin leis, he had a chain (the vet.) for pulling calf chain Animals Activities Objects People Health Log in to hear
boc 'séard a bhí ann boc (AC); boc achrannach ar a mhisc, a contrary buck when drunk (HE). buck, lad (not complimentary) Colloquialisms Adjectives Feelings People Everyday phrases Log in to hear
toirt gan tairbhe applied to a person getting in one's way; such a person is said to be an-amscaí Adjectives Activities Feelings People Everyday phrases Log in to hear
paráiste applied also to a dispensary district to which a doctor is appointed Activities People Health Buildings Work Log in to hear
láimhíneach angel-fish: claigeann mór millteach agus cluasa móra (air); 2ft long, edible, price a' sciata (skate) Animals Food and drink Measurement Adjectives People Log in to hear
rálach an ugly offensive name for a woman Adjectives Abstract nouns People Relationships Feelings Log in to hear
forseamálaí an awkward woman about a house Adjectives People The home Relationships Feelings Log in to hear
ith an allergic rash a thiocfadh amach i n-a scraith ort (CN); a certain man often got it on the arms and chest when he ate certain foods. Health Feelings Everyday phrases People Food and drink Log in to hear
píoblach also 'hoarseness in a person wih a cold' Health Feelings People Everyday phrases Adjectives Log in to hear
taithí tá sé a' taithí sa teach seo go mór .i. a ghoil ar chuairt ann go minic; is teann é an madadh geárr san áit a mbíonn a thaithí (sean-ocal) (MMt). Cf. D. s. v. madadh. act of frequenting Activities Feelings Adverbs People Everyday phrases Log in to hear
búst a thick ill-mannered fellow, a surly boor Adjectives People Personality Everyday phrases Comparatives Log in to hear