Irish English Tags Audio
téana liom come with me Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Relationships Physical contact
agus casadh leofa and they met Activities Verbs Relationships Conversation Past participle
labhair an gabhar leofa the goat spoke to them Animals Verbs Conversation Feelings Relationships
go mbeadh leofa that she would belong to them Relationships Verbs Feelings Abstract nouns Pronouns
agus dúirt an gandal go mbeadh leis and the gandel said he would belong to them People Conversation Feelings Relationships Verbs
agus thiondaill (?) ar ais, agus tháinic chucu and he turned back and came towards them Activities Verbs Relationships Everyday phrases Physical contact
dúirt fear acu go dtiontófadh ar ais, le haghaidh an t-airgead one of them said he would turn back, on account of the money Conversation Feelings Money Verbs Relationships
agus chuir sé a lámh síos and he put his hand down Physical contact Verbs The body Everyday phrases Relationships
agus chaith and he threw him Activities Verbs Physical contact People Relationships
le haghaidh a chuild shaibhreas in terms of his wealth Abstract nouns Money Relationships Conversation Adjectives
B'iontach na mátaí Seán agus Pílí Cat. Seán and Pílí Cat were wonderful mates. People Feelings Relationships Adjectives Animals
Bhíodh siad i gcónaí i gcuideacht'. They were always together. Adverbs Feelings Relationships Everyday phrases Verbs
Agus bhíodh féin agus Seán ag coinneál súile ar a chéilí agus rabh aon chorr gcuireadh Seán dhó nach bhfosclaíodh Caolchat leathshúil agus choinníodh súil ar Sheán. "And he and Seán would keep an eye on each other, and there wasn't a move Seán would make that Caolchat wouldn't open one eye and keep watch on Seán." Activities Feelings Relationships Verbs Everyday phrases
Agus bhí Seán ar an gcaoi chéanna leis. And Seán was the same way with him. Relationships People Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings
Agus bhreathnaigh ar Sheán agus bhreathnaigh ar Phílí Cat. "And he looked at Seán and he looked at Philí Cat." People Activities Conversation Facial expressions Relationships