Irish English Tags Audio
Bíonn ag baisteach in amanna anseo, inniu mar shampla. It rains sometimes here, today for example. Weather Everyday phrases Time Adverbs Places
Caithfidh tosú éicint anois leis na. . . le fataí a chur. I have to start someday now with. . . planting potatoes. Activities Food and drink Farming life Verbs Time
Ó, bíonn ag fás i gcaitheamh na bliana! Oh, it grows all year round! Activities Adverbs Plants Time Feelings
seo fiche agus a cuig bliain ó shin, This is twenty-five years ago, Time Numbers Everyday phrases Past participle Life & death
Agus an bhfuil in ann ruainne beag dhe a dhéanamh dhom anois anseo ar an radio? And can you do a little bit of it for me now here on the radio? Everyday phrases Conversation Activities Time Adverbs