Irish English Tags Audio
agus dúirt an gabhar and the goat said Animals Conversation Verbs Folklore Life & death
agus dúirt an gandal go mbeadh leis and the gandel said he would belong to them People Conversation Feelings Relationships Verbs
"Tá solas", a dúirt sé, "insan teach sin, thall" there's a light on, he said, in the house over there Everyday phrases Conversation Buildings Objects People
"Gabhfaidh anonn", a' dúirt a' chat "I'll go over there", said the cat Activities Animals Conversation Verbs Place names
ina bhfaighfí ar rud... ina bhfaighfí ar duine ar bith, so I'll find out if there's someone there Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Verbs
agus dúirt go raibh, dhá rubálaidhe sa teach, ag comhairleadh and he said was two robbers in the house, conversing. Activities Conversation Objects People The home
"Gabhfaidh mise i dtoiseach" a dúirt a' tarbh "I will go first", said the bull Activities Animals Everyday phrases Verbs Conversation
dúirt fear acu go dtiontófadh ar ais, le haghaidh an t-airgead one of them said he would turn back, on account of the money Conversation Feelings Money Verbs Relationships
agus dúirt go raibh ? and he said there was a ? Conversation People Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings
le haghaidh a chuild shaibhreas in terms of his wealth Abstract nouns Money Relationships Conversation Adjectives
.. anois ach a chaith mise bliana thíos ansin agus but I spent 6 years down there and... Activities Time Feelings Conversation Life & death
sin thart ar em that's around... Everyday phrases Adverbs Amount Conversation Prepositions
'Bhfuil aon cuimhne agatsa ar shean-scéalta sa cheantar seo shean-bhéaloideas? Do you remember any old stories from this area or folklore? Folklore Conversation Geographical terms Feelings Everyday phrases
Corruair eile, bhíodh Pílí Cat ina shuí taobh thall agus é ag faire anall ar Sheán agus ag freagairt na gceisteanna a bhíodh Seán ag cur air. At other times, Pílí Cat would be sitting opposite him, watching Seán and answering the questions Seán would ask him. Activities Feelings Conversation People Everyday phrases
Bhí siad ag scéalaíocht agus caint agus ag comhrá mar a bhíodh siad i gcónaí. "They were storytelling and talking and chatting as they always used to." Activities Everyday phrases Conversation Verbs Feelings