Irish English Tags Audio
tuar a' tuar aicíde, causing or generating disease (such as a rubbish dump) causing Abstract nouns Activities Health Food and drink Disaster Log in to hear
lot cancer (inward) Abstract nouns Health Feelings Life & death Disaster Log in to hear
giorra anála asthma; dock seed is boiled as a relief for it Health Food and drink Everyday phrases Feelings Activities Log in to hear
paráiste applied also to a dispensary district to which a doctor is appointed Activities People Health Buildings Work Log in to hear
ith an allergic rash a thiocfadh amach i n-a scraith ort (CN); a certain man often got it on the arms and chest when he ate certain foods. Health Feelings Everyday phrases People Food and drink Log in to hear
freangach also called dallóg, lesser dog-fish; in English tanny fish (tonnies) and cat-fish (MR); these are viviparous .i. bruideáileann siad; the young are brógaí taidbhs' and are to be found ins a' leas (in the sea-weed). Animals Food and drink Everyday phrases Health Seashore wildlife Log in to hear
píoblach also 'hoarseness in a person wih a cold' Health Feelings People Everyday phrases Adjectives Log in to hear
fealladh tá sí a' fealladh, i. cow affected by the garla trua; tá an croí a' fealladh air, his heart is failing act of failing (in health) Activities Health Feelings Idioms Everyday phrases Log in to hear
iarraidh a turn in sickness Abstract nouns Health Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Log in to hear
ceirthín a plaster: plástar a chuirfeá le cois tinn. Objects Everyday phrases Health Verbs Feelings Log in to hear
sál-bhrú ar bhó a heel-bruise on a cow Animals Health Body Physical descriptions Activities Log in to hear
drúchtín in gearradh drúchtín a cut between the toes from grass (féar eidir na méaraí) Everyday phrases Health Disaster Activities Body parts Log in to hear
aireachtáil (tá mé) gam aireachtáil go maith, I am feeling well Feelings Adverbs Verbs Everyday phrases Health Log in to hear
anachain d'ordaigh Dia an anachainn a sheachaint (sean-ocal); used to warn a person to avoid a house in which people were down with 'flu. Abstract nouns Health Everyday phrases Folklore Verbs Log in to hear
bachlóg chuir siad bachlóg ar a theangaidh, after which he could not speak properly or at all. Activities Feelings Conversation Health Disaster Log in to hear