Irish English Tags Audio
Bhíodh na páistí The children used to be (note pronunciation 'veef') People Adjectives Everyday phrases Language Past participle
Théadh go Sasana he used to go to England Activities Travel People Past participle Geographical terms
agus casadh leofa and they met Activities Verbs Relationships Conversation Past participle
chonaic siad they saw Verbs Activities Pronouns Past participle Feelings
Chaith siad isteach é. They threw him in. Verbs Physical contact Past participle People Everyday phrases
Blianta ó shin, ar ndóigh. Years ago, of course. Calendar & Seasons Time Everyday phrases Interjections Past participle
seo fiche agus a cuig bliain ó shin, This is twenty-five years ago, Time Numbers Everyday phrases Past participle Life & death