Irish English Tags Audio
Chugam, Chugat, Chuige, Chuici, Chugainn, Chugaibh, Chucu Towards me etc Prepositions Adverbs Everyday phrases Physical contact Conversation
Tharam, Tharat, Thairis, Thairsti, Tharainn, Tharaibh, Tharstu Over me etc Prepositions Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Physical contact
Bhain mo chuid éadaí díom I took off my clothes Activities Clothes Physical contact Everyday phrases Verbs
Ag lámhacán crawling on hands on feet Activities Verbs Physical contact Adverbs Everyday phrases
agus chaith an chré a bhí ina láimh and he threw the clay that was in his hand Activities Verbs Objects The body Physical contact
ag imeacht dhuithe going away from her Activities Verbs Relationships Adverbs Physical contact
's ag tarringt na gruaige de na páistí eile and pulling the hair of the other kids Activities Physical contact People Children Feelings
agus a bhualadh istigh and to hit him into Activities Verbs Physical contact Everyday phrases To be able to
D'éirigh an páiste The child arose People Verbs Activities Feelings Physical contact
ina chosa leis in his legs with him Physical contact Pronouns Parts of the body Relationships Everyday phrases
seársadh thug sé oram seársadh, he made a charge at me (dog) charge Activities Animals Feelings Verbs Physical contact Log in to hear
docsa bhuail sé le docsa mé, he struck me a box on the ear box Activities Feelings Physical contact Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
snaidhm buaic binding of face of corpse Body Life & death Activities Objects Physical contact Log in to hear
tonnc a nudge, butt (from bull) Animals Objects Feelings Physical contact Everyday phrases Log in to hear
beilt beilt ar shaighdiúr; also applied to a dog's collar Objects Animals Everyday phrases Adjectives Physical contact Log in to hear