Irish English Tags Audio
a d'abríodh na paidreacha that would/used to say the prayers Activities Religion Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings
Ach d'inis don tsagairt é but he told it to the priest Conversation People Religion Activities Verbs
"bhuel" a duirt an tsagart "well" said the priest Adverb Conversation People Feelings Religion
ach dhearna an sagart ach but didn't the priest Conversation People Religion Everyday phrases Arguments
bhoil anois, a deir, a dúirt an sagart well now, says, said the priest Conversation Feelings People Interjections Religion
aidhbheirseoir devil Abstract nouns Folklore Religion Feelings Personality Log in to hear
aifir nár aifridh Dia ort é, God forgive you; ní aifreó mé ort é, I'll forgive you for it (TmB) avenge Feelings Religion Everyday phrases Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
adhlacadh 'was buried', (occurs only in prayers.) Verbs Past participle Religion Life & death Everyday phrases Log in to hear
béinn A. Tá É. a' teacht aríst. B. Béinn Dé ort, a' bhfuil? (ML), and confirmed by (BR); the meaning seems to be something like 'Go to God, do you tell me so?' expressing a mixture of wonder and delight. Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Religion Idioms Log in to hear
ceann i gceann cúnamh Dé is na Maighdine, with the help of God and the Virgin Religion Everyday phrases Feelings People Abstract nouns Log in to hear
Santa Bairbre Santa Bairbre i n-aghaidh na dtoirní. shantie Bhairble i n-aghaidh na dtoirní (CN): prionsa a rabh teach iarainn aige chuir an toirní sa spéir é. Ní rabh ag Santa Bairble ach shantie agus ní dearnadh a dhath air (CN). People Folklore Religion Buildings Adjectives Log in to hear
tom tom a' t-éideadh as an uisce caisc (Sb), dip the scapular in the holy water. Activities Food and drink Religion Objects Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Sin iad na páistí a fhaghanns bás gan bhaisteadh atá ag imeacht anois ag feitheamh ar fhuascailt. those are the children who die unbaptized that are wandering, waiting for redemption. Religion Eternity Complex Sentence Melancholic
‘Sin iad na haingle cearta’, a dúirt sí, ‘a bhíonns baistithe agus a fhaghanns bás' 'Those are the real angels,’ said she, ‘ the ones who die after baptism' Religion Life and Death Pronouns Reported Speech
Féile Choilm De Bhailís. Féile Choilm De Bhailís. Folklore Places Events Culture Religion