Irish English Tags Audio
smutú ghá smutú, ghá mbriseadh (claidhmhtheachaí) (SOG); tá sí smutaí agad, you have it smashed (of spade that struck a stone) (MMt). Activities Feelings Verbs Everyday phrases Objects Log in to hear
sónraidh thóig mé sónraí dó, I observed it, took notice of it Activities Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases Language Log in to hear
speinn buailfidhear speinn air - na daoine maithe, he will become subject to, or under the spell of fairies (heard only once). Activities Folklore Feelings Adjectives Verbs Log in to hear
stácadh a' stácadh, ag ithe aibéil (AC); i n-amhrán:- Tá doiminic agus Seán ag goil stácadh dhá chathamh .i. dhá chathamh go dian (AOS). Activities Food and drink Adjectives Verbs People Log in to hear
suanaí níl ann ach suanaí, (tá sé) ciúin gan suim i gcaint aige; gan bheith a' caint Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Conversation Verbs Log in to hear
tabhairt a' tabhairt dó, hard at it (hay-making (ML); tá an traghan a' tabhairt dó, the corncrake is hard at it, singing away good and loud (MC). Activities Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Log in to hear
te teann rug siad ar a chéilí go te teann Adjectives Adverbs Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
téad tá téad ar an asal agam, I have the ass tied by rope to stake out in the field (Sb); gamhain ar téad ní dheachaidh riamh 'un cinn (sean-ocal) (MCd), a staked calf never throve Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Farming life Verbs Log in to hear
teannta a choinneál i n-a theannta, to keep it together (money), not to spend any of it Everyday phrases Feelings Money Verbs Relationships Log in to hear
tolladh a' tolladh, butting with horns, "pucking" (of cattle). Animals Activities Food and drink Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
treóir go múinfe tú treóir dúinn, give us guidance, direction, nuair a bhethá amú ar a' gcroc Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Language Verbs Log in to hear
truisle baineadh truisle as, he fell, stumbled Activities Verbs Feelings Adjectives Physical contact Log in to hear
turus tuaithbheal turas a chuireas daoiní ar dhaoiní eile le spit Activities Relationships People Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
Nuair a théadh siad dona scoile When they used to / would go to school Activities Everyday phrases School Verbs Time
bhuel, chuid acu théanns go Sasana well, some of them go to England Everyday phrases Geographical terms Adverbs Verbs People