Irish English Tags Audio
príomaire mór big, strong child Adjectives People Physical descriptions Life & death Children
stróinse big strong young person Adjectives People Personality Physical descriptions Age
stróiméad mór big strong young person Adjectives People Personality Life & death Physical descriptions
fear óg garbh láidir a young rough tough lad Adjectives People Personality Physical descriptions Relationships
stócach young man Adjectives People Physical descriptions Relationships Age
sneáthadán slim skinny light person Adjectives People Physical descriptions Likes & dislikes Personality
scaltán skinny man Adjectives Physical descriptions People
lag lúbach young person without strength People Adjectives Feelings Physical descriptions Abstract nouns
bodach / drochbhodach big strong lad who is argumentative Adjectives People Personality Arguments Physical descriptions
bhí fear there was a man People Verbs Everyday phrases Physical descriptions The city
bhí an tarbh the bull was Animals Verbs Everyday phrases People Physical descriptions
Bhíodh Seán ina shuí cois na tineadh agus a chúl leis an taster a bhí sa gcoirnéal. Seán used to sit by the fire with his back to the dresser that was in the corner. Activities Everyday phrases Furniture The home Physical descriptions
Fásann chuile shórt go breá anseo. Everything grows well here. Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives Geographical terms Physical descriptions