Irish English Tags Audio
Is dócha, go raibh tionchar mór, aige sin, ar an saol ar an oileáin ina dhiaidh sin, a raibh? I suppose that had a big influence on life on the island after that? Abstract nouns Feelings Geographical terms Life & death Everyday phrases
ar an tír mór on the mainland Geographical terms Place names Prepositions
beirt an bothar thiar, 's a mharaigh it (the storm) killed two from back the road Disaster Life & death Everyday phrases People Geographical terms
siad curtha, i bhFáil Mór they are buried in Falmore Places Life & death Verbs The home Geographical terms
'bhfuil morán daoine, chur anseo? Are many people buried here? Questions People Places Life & death Amount
Bhuel go leor daoine Well, there are lots of people Everyday phrases People Amount Conversation Grammar
Níl an cuimhniú dhomsa, ar an chéad doine a curthú ann I don't recall the first person to be buried here Life & death Feelings People Places Verbs
go leor curtha ann there are many buried here Amount Everyday phrases Feelings Place names Verbs
Inis dhom rud éicint, a John Tell me John Conversation People Adverbs
ceard a tharlaigh, nach mbíodh aon sagart agaibh? what happened, or did ye not use to have a priest? Conversation Questions People Everyday phrases Feelings
nuair a chaillfaí an duine when the person would die Life & death People Verbs Feelings Time
Bhíodh tórramh ann, ar feadh There used to be a wake Activities Life & death Everyday phrases Feelings Folklore
ar feadh trí for three days Time Amount Calendar & Seasons
agus ansin thoisódh na fir and then the men would start Activities People Verbs Everyday phrases Relationships
ag déanamh making Activities Verbs