Irish English Tags Audio
dhá duine dhéag is fhicid fifty-two people Numbers People Amount
Ar bhris an stoirm an-tobann a Phat? Did the storm break suddenly Pat? Weather Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Disaster
Oh, thainig an stoirm, thaing an-tobann, an-tobann - gála mór. The storm came very quickly - big swell. Weather Adverbs Adjectives Disaster Noise and sounds
An raibh sibh gar don trá ag an am sin? Were you near the shore at that time? Everyday phrases Seashore Time Questions Places
leathmhíle no mar sin abhí muid amach we were about have a mile out Activities Measurement Verbs Everyday phrases Transport
ach bhí na heangacha tógtha i gcoinne a but the nets were taken against it Verbs Everyday phrases Objects Activities Feelings
nuair a thoisigh an gála when the storm started Weather Time Disaster Activities Life & death
agus thainig muid isteach go dtí and we came into Activities Prepositions Verbs
an áit a dtugann siad "the dock" ar, thíos anseo the place they call "the dock", down here. Place names The city Geographical terms Everyday phrases Objects
caitheadh suas muid we were thrown up Verbs Past participle Feelings Interjections Idioms
(mar) chaithfeá bosca maiteannaí as if you would throw up a box of matches Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms Activities Objects
(agus) fuaigh isteach ansin and I went in there Activities Verbs Prepositions Everyday phrases Conversation
Agus céard a tharla dhaoibhse? And what happened to ye? Conversation Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms Interjections
mhéad duine a báthú, a Dominick? How many drowned, Dominick? Questions Amount Feelings Life & death Conversation
deichniúr, deichnúir fear. ten, ten men. Numbers People Amount Reduplication Grammar