Irish English Tags Audio
Ag iarraidh dul i gcion ar dhuine Trying to impress someone Activities Feelings Relationships Verbs Everyday phrases
Rinne driopás It caused a panic/bustle Feelings Activities Noise and sounds Interjections Everyday phrases
Thug siad faoi deara They realised/They noticed Activities Verbs Feelings Conversation Everyday phrases
Níl ag déanamh beagán de I'm not making little of it Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms Verbs
Éirmiúil Intelligent Adjectives Personality Feelings
Taibhseach, suntasach Impressive, noticeable Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Everyday phrases Personality
Deontas Grand Adjectives Feelings Likes & dislikes Personality Abstract nouns
A thuilleadh/Níos Anymore Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Idioms Log in to hear
Á deo Feckin hell Interjections Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Expressions Log in to hear
Ó mo léan Oh blasus Interjections Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms Terms of endearment Log in to hear
Teaspach/teasaí hot headed Adjectives Personality Feelings Log in to hear
Colgach furious Adjectives Feelings Personality Log in to hear
Luas Speed Abstract nouns Adjectives Measurement Activities Feelings Log in to hear
in easnamh missing Abstract nouns Feelings Adjectives Verbs Log in to hear
fheadar I wonder (Gaeluinn Chiarraí) Feelings Everyday phrases Conversation Idioms Language Log in to hear