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Bhíodh te teascaill ansin sa bhféar agus anáil an asail agus na ag tíocht aníos thríd an bhféar, thríd an lot'. "It was warm and cozy there in the grass with the breath of the donkey and the cows coming up through the grass, through the loft." Adjectives Animals Feelings Countryside Places
an ag éirí gearr agus is fada an choiscéim í 'na bhaile mhóir agus nuair a bheas a ngraithí déanta againn beidh mall go maith nuair a bheas muid ar ais. "The day is getting short and it's a long walk to the big town, and by the time we have our business done it will be quite late when we get back." Time Activities Adjectives Places Everyday phrases
An chéad fhear a chasfaíor dhúinn ar an mbóthar. "The first man we meet on the road." People Places Activities Adjectives Everyday phrases
D'fhága siad le socrú ag an gcéad fhear a chasfaí dhófa. They left it with the first man whom they met on the road to settle. Activities People Places Verbs Everyday phrases
Caithigí isteach sa gcoill mé, ar seisean, as amharc na ndaoiní sul bhfeicfí ar (...) an bhóthair mé. "Throw me into the woods," he said, "out of people's sight before I am seen on (...) of the road." Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Places Verbs
Fuaigh isteach go teach seo is bhí tinidh ann. He went into this house and there was a fire there. Buildings Fire Places Verbs Everyday phrases
Fuaigh thart go ndeachaigh ag an rí-chat. He went around until the came to the king-cat. Activities Animals Everyday phrases Places Adjectives
D'inis scéal bhean óg... an bás uirthi... a leithide seo dh'áit. He told a story about a young woman... dying(?)... in a certain place. Abstract nouns Activities People Places Life & death
agus i Tenerife na laethanta seo. and he is in Tenerife these days. Geographical terms Time People Everyday phrases Places
Cen ait i gContae Maigh Eo ar ais a dhuit? Where in County Mayo are you from again? Geographical terms Conversation People Questions Places
Agus nuair a chuir an teachtearacht anall anseo againn, bhí i gCarna, agus bhí thiar ag an siamsa, agus bhí thiar ag an. . . ag ceol agus amhráin a bhí thiar i gCarna. And when you sent the message over here to us, you were in Carna, and you were over at the entertainment, and you were over at the. . . at the music and songs that were over in Carna. Conversation Places Music People Activities
Bhí, ar ndóigh, agus chomh maith leis. . . is ea, bhí cupla siamsa acu i gCarna chuile. . . bhoil, chuile bhliain, agus bhí ansin I was, of course, and as well as. . . yes, they had a few entertainments in Carna every. . . well, every year, and I was there Everyday phrases Time Places Activities Feelings
Féile Choilm De Bhailís. Féile Choilm De Bhailís. Folklore Places Events Culture Religion
Agus shíl nach raibh a leithéid de rud thall i Tenerife. And I thought there was no such thing over in Tenerife. Everyday phrases Feelings Places Conversation Geographical terms
raibh mise thall i Tenerife ariamh, ach a fhios agam go dtéann go leor anonn ann ar a laethanta saoire. I have never been over in Tenerife, but I know many go there on their holidays. Everyday phrases Travel Feelings Places Calendars & Seasons