Irish English Tags Audio
Ambaiste By God! (Gaeluinn Chiarraí) Interjections Religion Feelings Everyday phrases Geographical terms Log in to hear
Ag súil leis/Ag dúil leis/Ag tnúth leis Looking forward to Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Conversation Verbs Log in to hear
rian a choda (chiud) air the signs of it are on him Feelings Conversation Physical contact Idioms Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Ag dul ar mo theitheadh I am escaping Activities Verbs Feelings To be able to Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Faoiseamh Relief Abstract nouns Feelings Log in to hear
Foscadh Shelter Buildings Abstract nouns Places Work Feelings Log in to hear
Ligfidh leat/Scaolfaidh leat I'll let you go Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings Relationships Adjectives Log in to hear
stiallaithe/stróicthe torn Adjectives Feelings Everyday phrases Life & death Physical descriptions Log in to hear
Céard a thitfeas amach What will happen Everyday phrases Future Verbs Conversation Feelings Log in to hear
Is eisean a dhéananns é sin It's him who does do that Everyday phrases Pronouns Verbs Conversation Feelings Log in to hear
Sin é an tslí go mba fhearr dúinn That would be the way that we would prefer Feelings Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
phillfidh/Ní fhillfidh He will not return Verbs Future tense Everyday phrases Feelings To be able to Log in to hear
muid déanta air/Tá muid caite dhó/Tá muid cleachtach air We're used to it Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Verbs To be able to Log in to hear
Círéib Riot Activities Disaster Feelings Arguments People Log in to hear
Druideadh/dúnadh was closed Past participle Verbs Adjectives Activities Feelings Log in to hear