Irish English Tags Audio
Nuair a théadh siad dona scoile When they used to / would go to school Activities Everyday phrases School Verbs Time
scáití sometimes Adverbs Everyday phrases Time
bliain d'haois she's a year old Age People Adjectives Life & death Time
ag saothrú gach working / labouring every day Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Work Time
corruair sometimes Adverbs Everyday phrases Time
in amanna eile at other times / otherwise Everyday phrases Adverbs Time Comparatives Grammar
ag an uair mhaith at the right time Time Prepositions Adjectives Everyday phrases
An am amháin Once upon a time Everyday phrases Folklore Time Stories Conversation
bhí ag siúl he was walking Activities Verbs Adjectives People Time
agus bhí sé ag éirí mall san oíche and it was getting late in the night Time Adverbs Weather Everyday phrases Activities
bhí an domhan san oíche it was very deep into the night Adverbs Time Weather Everyday phrases Feelings
Ghabh anonn he went over.. Verbs Prepositions Activities Everyday phrases Time
nuair a bhí na rubálaidhe, imigh tamaill ón teach when the robbers were gone a while from the house Activities Buildings People Time Life & death
.. anois ach a chaith mise bliana thíos ansin agus but I spent 6 years down there and... Activities Time Feelings Conversation Life & death
bhíodh ar súil an t-am sin it used to be happening at the time Everyday phrases Time Verbs Activities Life & death