Irish English Tags Audio
sáilín ar éanachaí géadh gearrfa muid a' sáilín gon ghé, we'll cut off the 'sáilín', for identification purposes back-toe on goslings Activities Everyday phrases Food and drink Animals Objects Log in to hear
aifir nár aifridh Dia ort é, God forgive you; ní aifreó mé ort é, I'll forgive you for it (TmB) avenge Feelings Religion Everyday phrases Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
cuais at seashore, hole wherein crab is found Geographical terms Seashore wildlife Objects Activities Animals Log in to hear
giorra anála asthma; dock seed is boiled as a relief for it Health Food and drink Everyday phrases Feelings Activities Log in to hear
cúrsaí ach cúrsaí airigead dó, bhí neart aige, but as for money, he had plenty of it. as regards Feelings Everyday phrases Money Adverbs Idioms Log in to hear
maidir le maidir le cúrsaí truipéad dó, well, as for truipéad as regards Conversation Everyday phrases Feelings Language Arguments Log in to hear
bacóg bacóg mhónadh ar leathláimh, brosna eidir a' dá láimh (TmB); thug sé leath na cruaiche leis g'ea(n)-bhacóg amháin. armful of turf Activities Objects Farming life Everyday phrases Food and drink Log in to hear
Aibreán bog braonach agus Bealtaine béil-fhliuch /be:l´ux/, (sean-ocal) i. an ideal season for growth. April Calendar & Seasons Food and drink Feelings Plants Adjectives Log in to hear
toirt gan tairbhe applied to a person getting in one's way; such a person is said to be an-amscaí Adjectives Activities Feelings People Everyday phrases Log in to hear
paráiste applied also to a dispensary district to which a doctor is appointed Activities People Health Buildings Work Log in to hear
oirnis apparatus for weaving, all the gear connected with the loom Objects Activities Clothes Tools Furniture Log in to hear
bean-ghabhair another name for the mionnán aerach or male snipe drumming in flight. Animals Activities Folklore Geographical terms Life & death Log in to hear
láimhíneach angel-fish: claigeann mór millteach agus cluasa móra (air); 2ft long, edible, price a' sciata (skate) Animals Food and drink Measurement Adjectives People Log in to hear
bing bing a bheith air an upward limit or ceiling to be set to the number of cattle to be taken in from each tenant for grazing on commons land Abstract nouns Activities Animals Farming life Relationships Log in to hear
draoi d'ólfadh sé an draoi; cf. the Westmeath Engl. Idiom: he'd drink Loch Érin dry. an unlimited quantity (of drink) Idioms Abstract nouns Feelings Food and drink Everyday phrases Log in to hear