Irish English Tags Audio
cad a bheadh le tairiscint againne what we would have to offer Everyday phrases Verbs Abstract nouns Activities Relationships Log in to hear
a d’éascódh an tslí which would facilitate the way Activities Adjectives Everyday phrases Verbs Prepositions Log in to hear
Tháinig maolú beag There was a slight easing Adjectives Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs Log in to hear
bheidh aon éalú feasta ar athruithe réir abhus there will no longer be any escape from changes accordingly Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Feelings Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
thaibhseofaí duit you would be apprehended Verbs To be able to Feelings Activities Everyday phrases Log in to hear
atá a dhíth ó thráchtairí agus ó pholaiteoirí áirithe which is needed from certain commentators and politicians People Arguments Adjectives Everyday phrases Activities Log in to hear
puinn puinn Abstract nouns Food and drink Feelings Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Log in to hear
níos saonta fós even more simplistic Adjectives Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
arb é sin a mian, which is what he wants, Conversation Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Language Log in to hear
Níl sa mhéid sin ach cnámha an scafaill These are just the bones of the scaffold Objects Everyday phrases Feelings Metaphors Physical descriptions Log in to hear
sa dlínse ina bhfuil siad in the jurisdiction in which they are Prepositions Grammar Everyday phrases People Places Log in to hear
Níl uainn ach an t-orlach sin All we need is that inch Everyday phrases Amount Verbs Feelings Idioms Log in to hear
béim ar There is an emphasis on Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Conversation Adjectives Verbs Log in to hear
amhail such as Everyday phrases Prepositions Language Conversation Adverbs Log in to hear
Dealraíonn It seems Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs Grammar Feelings Log in to hear