Irish English Tags Audio
Is fiú an tseift seo This trick is worth it Abstract nouns Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Log in to hear
I I Pronouns Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
Is mian I want to Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings To be able to Log in to hear
ach tua na gciorruithe a bhualadh anuas uirthi but the ax of the cuts struck her Objects Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings Physical contact Log in to hear
mar thicéad gill as a pawn ticket Objects Money Everyday phrases Places Activities Log in to hear
sciar de na haontachtóirí share of the unionists Politics People Relationships Arguments Everyday phrases Log in to hear
cloí leis an mBéarla adhere to English Activities Language Verbs Everyday phrases To be able to Log in to hear
Is mithid do na Gaeil teacht le chéile It is time for the Irish to come together Abstract nouns Everyday phrases People Verbs Relationships Log in to hear
fágfar ar leataobh an teanga or the language will be left aside Language Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases Abstract nouns Log in to hear
An rud atá de dhíth What is needed is Everyday phrases Questions Grammar Abstract nouns Verbs Log in to hear
rud atá réadúil which is realistic Adjectives Comparatives Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
do chách for all Everyday phrases Prepositions Adverbs Log in to hear
Dála an scéil By the way Everyday phrases Conversation Interjections Prepositions Log in to hear
Le fada an For a long while Adverbs Time Everyday phrases Measurement Log in to hear
Teach an asail/Cró na gcearc The jacks Objects Games Activities Toys Everyday phrases Log in to hear