Irish English Tags Audio
Cén aois thú? How old are you? Everyday phrases Conversation Questions Age Pronouns
tríocha dó/tríocha ceathair bliain d'aois I'm 32 34 years Numbers Time People Everyday phrases Adjectives
Ab ea? Was it? Conversation Everyday phrases Idioms Questions Grammar
An ea? Is it? Everyday phrases Questions Conversation Interjections Adverbs
Táim cúig bliana déag agus fiche I'm 35 Numbers People Adjectives Everyday phrases Age
Céard a bhí ag déanamh/Céard a bhí ar bun agat aréir/Inné/inniu/arú aréir/arú inné/ What were you doing last night/yesterday/night before last/day before last Activities Everyday phrases Time Conversation Feelings
Le mo chuid cairde With my friends Relationships Everyday phrases People Conversation Activity
Bia mara Seafood Food and drink Animals Everyday phrases
Bhí dubh le daoine/Bhí go leor daoine ann/Bhí slua mór ann/Bhí an áit plódaithe There was a big crowd Abstract nouns Adjectives People Verbs Everyday phrases
Slán tóg go réidh/go bog é! Go soirbhí Dia dhuit By take it easy! Godspeed Everyday phrases Interjections Feelings Greetings Idioms
Nuair a bhuaileann an crú leis an táirne When push comes to shove Idioms Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Arguments Log in to hear
an pota a dul thar maol The pot is boiling over Activities Food and drink Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
Gabh i leith go fóill! Come here to me! Everyday phrases Verbs Physical contact Feelings Greetings
tinneas óil orm/Tá póit orm I've a hangover Feelings Health Everyday phrases Activities Idioms
Cogar! Come here to me! Everyday phrases Verbs Adverbs Physical contact Conversational