Irish English Tags Audio
crua hard Adjectives Feeling Everyday phrases Comparatives Activities Log in to hear
Go mall/Go déanach Late Adjectives Adverbs Time Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Dár gcionn/lá arna mhárach the day after Calendar & Seasons Everyday phrases Time Log in to hear
gnaitheach/gnóthach busy Adjectives Feelings Activities Everyday phrases Personality Log in to hear
scaitheamh/tamall fada It's been a long while Time Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Adverbs Log in to hear
Caithfidh rud éicint a dhéanamh I have to do something Activities Everyday phrases Verbs To be able to Feelings Log in to hear
orm é a dhéanamh I have to do it (it is upon me to do it) Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs To be able to Log in to hear
carbad gums Anatomy The body Health Objects Everyday phrases
Ag lámhacán crawling on hands on feet Activities Verbs Physical contact Adverbs Everyday phrases
Faigheann tú/Geibheann You get Verbs Everyday phrases Pronouns To be able to Activities
Dream Group/Drop Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Abstract nouns Relationships Log in to hear
Cén chaoi bhfuil gnothaí ó thaobh ceoil de? How are things regarding music? Everyday phrases Conversation Music Feelings Adjectives Log in to hear
Scáileán Screen Objects The home Technology Everyday phrases Buildings Log in to hear
Thosaíomar/ Thoisigh muid tuairim is bliain ó shin We started around a year ago Activities Time Everyday phrases Verbs Chronology Log in to hear
Cad as sibh/ as sibh? Where are ye from? Conversation Greetings Place names People Everyday phrases Log in to hear