Irish English Tags Audio
Stuama Level headed/sober Adjectives Feelings Personality Life & death Comparatives
crua hard Adjectives Feeling Everyday phrases Comparatives Activities Log in to hear
cosúil le such as/like the/similar to Grammar Comparatives Everyday phrases Conversation Prepositions Log in to hear
Níos gaire closer Adjectives Comparatives Adverbs Log in to hear
go forleathan widely Adverbs Comparatives
mar duine eile, mar a chuid eile like someone else, like the rest of them Likes & dislikes Comparatives Everyday phrases Relationships Conversation
balach exactly Adverbs Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
bun bárr entirely, totally Adverbs Amount Comparatives Everyday phrases Emphasis Log in to hear
aighneasúil na hAlbanaigh - na seandaoine is measa; an dream óg - tá siad níos aighneasúl' , more affable, more communicative, more sociable chatty, talkative Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Everyday phrases People Log in to hear
broc chomh fallsa le broc, as lasy as a badger. badger Animals Adjectives Idioms Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
búst a thick ill-mannered fellow, a surly boor Adjectives People Personality Everyday phrases Comparatives Log in to hear
aithinne dearg Ní i gcoinní aithinne a thainic tusa, said to a casual visitor who is inclined to stay too long, as a hint that it is time to be going. a live coal, as distinguished from sméarthóidí, cinders Everyday phrases Feelings Comparatives People Activities Log in to hear
airde ní rabh mé an airde sin, I wasn't that height, i. I was only a small child at the time (Sb). teach i n-airde cabhlach, side-wall high, or ready roofing (AOS). Feelings Comparatives Activities Past participle Everyday phrases Log in to hear
brígh faoi bhrí mo mhionna níl aon dath aige sin duithe ach orad liom-s', upon my oath he has none of it (sheep) more than I. Everyday phrases Animals Feelings Comparatives Idiom Log in to hear
comh-aois comh-aois Mháire í, she is the same age as Máire Abstract nouns Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Relationships Log in to hear