Irish English Tags Audio
Gach fhocal Every second word Everyday phrases Adjectives Language Grammar Objects Log in to hear
Gabh i leith Come here to me Everyday phrases Verbs Prepositions Pronouns Physical contact Log in to hear
B'fhiú dhuit It'd be worth it for you to... Everyday phrases Feelings To be able to Adjectives Adverbs Log in to hear
Céard a thit amach What happened? Conversation Everyday phrases Questions Log in to hear
raibh aon fuadar orm I wasn't panicked Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Past participle Verbs Log in to hear
Bhí i bponc I was in a bad situation Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Activities Life & death Log in to hear
Féachfaidh leis! I'll check it out!/I'll give it a go! Activities Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs Feelings Log in to hear
ar feadh scathamh for a while Time Everyday phrases Prepositions Adverbs Log in to hear
doiligh feancadh a bhaint as It's difficult to make sense out of it Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Activities Idioms Log in to hear
Fear fónta Sound man Occupations People Adjectives Everyday phrases Noise and sounds Log in to hear
Géill suas give up / surrender Activities Verbs Feelings Idioms Everyday phrases Log in to hear
faoi bhrú mhillteanach under awful pressure Feelings Adjectives Activities Everyday phrases Adverbs Log in to hear
bhéadh It wouldn't be Everyday phrases Grammar Adverbs To be able to Feelings
Cuireann isteach orm It bothers me Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Verbs Relationships Log in to hear
Bhféidir go dtógfaidh muid Maybe we will build Activities Future Verbs Everyday phrases Conversational Log in to hear