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An raibh sibh gar don trá ag an am sin? Were you near the shore at that time? Everyday phrases Seashore Time Questions Places
mhéad duine a báthú, a Dominick? How many drowned, Dominick? Questions Amount Feelings Life & death Conversation
'bhfuil morán daoine, chur anseo? Are many people buried here? Questions People Places Life & death Amount
ceard a tharlaigh, nach mbíodh aon sagart agaibh? what happened, or did ye not use to have a priest? Conversation Questions People Everyday phrases Feelings
agus 'bhfuil a fhios agat anois an do you know now? Everyday phrases Greeting Conversation Adverbs Questions
Goidé an sórt deis theacht i dtír atá agad?. "What kind of means have you to live on?" Everyday phrases Questions Life & death Money Verbs
Goidé an sórt fear thú féin? What kind of a man are you yourself?" Conversation Feelings Personality Questions Relationships
Cén geall a chuirfeas tú? "What will you bet?" Everyday phrases Questions Activities Verbs Money
bhfágfaidh muid le socrú aige é? "Who will we leave it with to settle?" Conversation Questions Relationships Feelings Verbs
Ab ea? Was it? Conversational Greetings Everyday phrases Interjections Questions
Cen ait i gContae Maigh Eo ar ais a dhuit? Where in County Mayo are you from again? Geographical terms Conversation People Questions Places
'Bhfuil fhad thall anois i Tenerife, a bhfuil? Are you still far away now in Tenerife? Geographical terms Conversation Questions Time Feelings
Agus cén sort ceird ort atá ort ann? And what kind of work do you do there? Activities Conversation Work Questions Everyday phrases
Agus an bhfuil beithígh agat ansin, an bhfuil, agus rudaí? And do you have cattle there, do you, and things? Animals Questions Everyday phrases Farming life Conversation
Is ea. An bhfuil mórán cearca 'ad, a' bhfuil? Indeed. Do you have many chickens, do you? Everyday phrases Animals Conversation Feelings Questions