Irish English Tags Audio
Moladh suggestion Abstract nouns Activities Conversation Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
Gnoitheach/gnóthach busy Adjectives Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Personality Log in to hear
Táim ag baint as I'm getting a day out of it Everyday phrases Feelings Activities Idioms Rest and relaxation
Dúirt go gcaithfeadh go bhfuil i do mhúinteoir iontach She said that I must be a great teacher Activities Adjectives People Verbs Feelings
D'earcóinn I would hire Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings To be able to
Ag éirí sean to get old Activities Life & death Verbs Feelings Adjectives
ag cur amú to waste Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings To be able to
cadramán someone who's stubborn and without manners Adjectives Personality Feelings Everyday phrases Relationships
Púicearlach A miserable looking fecker Adjectives Personality Feelings Facial expressions Everyday phrases
Geois Someone with a big shtomach Adjectives Feelings Physical descriptions People Everyday phrases
cinnithe decisions Abstract nouns Activities Feelings Arguments Life & death
Bhéarfaidh lámh I'll give you a hand Everyday phrases Feelings Activities Verbs To be able to
cab beard Objects Physical descriptions The body Feelings Animals
Díomhaoin Idle, up to nothing, single, uselfss Adjectives Feelings Likes & dislikes Idioms Abstract nouns
dúil aige ann He is interested in it Feelings Activities Adjectives Pronouns Verbs