Irish English Tags Audio
tonnc a nudge, butt (from bull) Animals Objects Feelings Physical contact Everyday phrases Log in to hear
fíor-chapall a mare that would have eleven foals. This does not seem right; likely the word means a 'bred horse'. Animals Feelings Life & death Language Objects Log in to hear
cluaisín a kind of shell-fish: bia ionntú, mar eistirí Food and drink Animals Everyday phrases Folklore Geographical terms Log in to hear
portán iarainn a huge crab, spread all round Animals Adjectives Objects Activities Geographical terms Log in to hear
sál-bhrú ar bhó a heel-bruise on a cow Animals Health Body Physical descriptions Activities Log in to hear
saighean ba mhór a' saighean é a great sight, a great show entirely Abstract nouns Adjectives Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
gráig gráig an asail, (é) a' béiciúch a bray Feelings Animals Everyday phrases Verbs Noise and sounds Log in to hear
pisín áine (meadow) vetch Plants Animals Countryside Log in to hear
áladh thug a' t-asal áladh ar a' bpáipéar, made a charge at, rush at the paper, to get it in its teeth Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Animals Feelings Log in to hear
baladh madadh a' cur baladh, scenting, on the trail Animals Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Seashore wildlife Log in to hear
bárr tá bár míoltógaí ann, a lot of midges (out this evening), they would eat you. Animals Feelings Everyday phrases Weather Food and drink Log in to hear
beilt beilt ar shaighdiúr; also applied to a dog's collar Objects Animals Everyday phrases Adjectives Physical contact Log in to hear
beir bhéarfadh sé scian ort, he would take a knife to you (ML); bheir sé air, the dog bit him (MC); bheir a' chearc, the hen laid (MR) Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Life & death Log in to hear
bleacht bó bhleacht ionnlaogh Animals Abstract nouns Food and drink Adjectives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
brígh faoi bhrí mo mhionna níl aon dath aige sin duithe ach orad liom-s', upon my oath he has none of it (sheep) more than I. Everyday phrases Animals Feelings Comparatives Idiom Log in to hear