Irish English Tags Audio
Bhéarfaidh lámh I'll give you a hand Everyday phrases Feelings Activities Verbs To be able to
Ag iarraidh dul i gcion ar dhuine Trying to impress someone Activities Feelings Relationships Verbs Everyday phrases
Rinne driopás It caused a panic/bustle Feelings Activities Noise and sounds Interjections Everyday phrases
Thug siad faoi deara They realised/They noticed Activities Verbs Feelings Conversation Everyday phrases
Chuir siad i dtoll a chéile iad They mixed them together Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Pronouns To be able to
Níl ag déanamh beagán de I'm not making little of it Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms Verbs
Taibhseach, suntasach Impressive, noticeable Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Everyday phrases Personality
A thuilleadh/Níos Anymore Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Idioms Log in to hear
Á deo Feckin hell Interjections Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Expressions Log in to hear
Ó mo léan Oh blasus Interjections Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms Terms of endearment Log in to hear
slat tomhais yardstick Objects Measurement Tools Everyday phrases Log in to hear
fheadar I wonder (Gaeluinn Chiarraí) Feelings Everyday phrases Conversation Idioms Language Log in to hear
Ambaiste By God! (Gaeluinn Chiarraí) Interjections Religion Feelings Everyday phrases Geographical terms Log in to hear
Nuair a bhéas When I will be Time Verbs Pronouns Everyday phrases To be able to Log in to hear
Ag súil leis/Ag dúil leis/Ag tnúth leis Looking forward to Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Conversation Verbs Log in to hear