Irish English Tags Audio
bhfuil do i do chónaí/Cá bhfuil cónaí ort/Carb as tú?/Cad as duit? Where are you from? Conversation Questions Greetings Place names People
Uachtar Reoite Ice cream Food and drink Abstract nouns People Activities Likes & dislikes
tríocha dó/tríocha ceathair bliain d'aois I'm 32 34 years Numbers Time People Everyday phrases Adjectives
Táim cúig bliana déag agus fiche I'm 35 Numbers People Adjectives Everyday phrases Age
Le mo chuid cairde With my friends Relationships Everyday phrases People Conversation Activity
Bhí dubh le daoine/Bhí go leor daoine ann/Bhí slua mór ann/Bhí an áit plódaithe There was a big crowd Abstract nouns Adjectives People Verbs Everyday phrases
dlí law Abstract nouns Arguments People Language Log in to hear
Muintir People (Parents) People The family Relationships Abstract nouns Activities
Clann Family of children People The family Animals Adjectives Activities
Do lámha deise Your right hand Body Adjectives People Relationships Physical descriptions
Ciotóg Left handed person People Adjectives Physical descriptions Personality Everyday phrases
Tiarna Lord People Religion Abstract nouns Titles Feelings
Teifeach Refugee Abstract nouns People Relationships Life & death Disaster
ag cur isteach orm He's bothering me Feelings Activities People Everyday phrases Verbs
ina ceoltóir, ceoltóir atá inti, is ceoltóir í, She's a musician People Music Adjectives Pronouns Activities