Irish English Tags Audio
A labhairt To speak Activities Verbs Conversation Language Communication Log in to hear
A to say Verbs Activities Language Everyday phrases Communication Log in to hear
siad ag teacht salach/broghach ar a chéile They are getting mixed up Activities Feelings Idioms Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Láithreoir Presenter People Work Activities Physical descriptions Adjectives Log in to hear
cad a bheadh le tairiscint againne what we would have to offer Everyday phrases Verbs Abstract nouns Activities Relationships Log in to hear
a d’éascódh an tslí which would facilitate the way Activities Adjectives Everyday phrases Verbs Prepositions Log in to hear
bheidh aon éalú feasta ar athruithe réir abhus there will no longer be any escape from changes accordingly Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Feelings Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
go deonach voluntarily Adverbs Activities Feelings Personality Work Log in to hear
thaibhseofaí duit you would be apprehended Verbs To be able to Feelings Activities Everyday phrases Log in to hear
atá a dhíth ó thráchtairí agus ó pholaiteoirí áirithe which is needed from certain commentators and politicians People Arguments Adjectives Everyday phrases Activities Log in to hear
is éirithí is rising Verbs Adjectives Activities Weather Physical contact Log in to hear
gur géillsinigh de that he obeyed Verbs Abstract nouns Activities Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
Chruthófaí cochall polaitiúil toghchánaíochta faoi leith dóibh a choinneodh an ceangal dílseachta A separate electoral political hood would be created for them that would maintain the loyalty bond Politics Relationships Abstract nouns Activities Verbs Log in to hear
comhuaineach simultaneously Adverbs Activities Time Log in to hear
prumpa an Lucht Oibre the Labor trumpet Objects Music Life & death Activities People Log in to hear