Irish English Tags Audio
Beidh muid ag seinm ar an gcéad is fiche de mhí na Nollag We will be playing on the 21st of December Activities Calendar & Seasons Verbs Time Conversation Log in to hear
hiad na tionchair is atá ar bhur bhfuaim? What are the greatest influences on your sound? Abstract nouns Feelings Music Conversation Questions Log in to hear
agus dúirt leis and she said to him Conversation People Relationships Prepositions Verbs
sin é nuair a smaoinigh air héin that's when he thought to himself Activities Feelings Conversation Idioms Pronouns
Agus deir na daoiní And it is said Conversation Idioms Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Language
Ar bhris an stoirm an-tobann a Phat? Did the storm break suddenly Pat? Weather Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Disaster
(agus) fuaigh isteach ansin and I went in there Activities Verbs Prepositions Everyday phrases Conversation
Agus céard a tharla dhaoibhse? And what happened to ye? Conversation Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms Interjections
mhéad duine a báthú, a Dominick? How many drowned, Dominick? Questions Amount Feelings Life & death Conversation
Bhuel go leor daoine Well, there are lots of people Everyday phrases People Amount Conversation Grammar
Inis dhom rud éicint, a John Tell me John Conversation People Adverbs
ceard a tharlaigh, nach mbíodh aon sagart agaibh? what happened, or did ye not use to have a priest? Conversation Questions People Everyday phrases Feelings
D'abríodh (he/she/it) used to / would say Verbs Conversation Grammar Everyday phrases Idioms
tá's, a fhios agam Oh I know, I know Interjections Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Relationships
an bealach sin that way Prepositions Everyday phrases Adverbs Geographical terms Conversation