Irish English Tags Audio
tonnc a nudge, butt (from bull) Animals Objects Feelings Physical contact Everyday phrases Log in to hear
slubar a mess of anything Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Log in to hear
fíor-chapall a mare that would have eleven foals. This does not seem right; likely the word means a 'bred horse'. Animals Feelings Life & death Language Objects Log in to hear
aithinne dearg Ní i gcoinní aithinne a thainic tusa, said to a casual visitor who is inclined to stay too long, as a hint that it is time to be going. a live coal, as distinguished from sméarthóidí, cinders Everyday phrases Feelings Comparatives People Activities Log in to hear
dath na gcloch cuireann sé dath buí ar an olainn (stocaí) a lichen-like scabby growth on stones used to dye wool Activities Adjectives Food and drink Plants Objects Log in to hear
giorla a land measure, about a rood Measurement Land Objects Geographical terms Adjectives Log in to hear
cluaisín a kind of shell-fish: bia ionntú, mar eistirí Food and drink Animals Everyday phrases Folklore Geographical terms Log in to hear
bruicheallán Mí na mbruicheallán a tugtaí ar July; bhíodh deireadh na bhfataí cait a kind of sea-weed: mar sleámógaí iad; bonn mór orthú, mar charraigín; ar nós fataí. Calendar & Seasons Food and drink Plants Everyday phrases Geographical terms Log in to hear
cáithleán a kind of sea-grass: a' fás ar a' milliúir Plants Seashore wildlife Life & death Everyday phrases Geographical terms Log in to hear
portán iarainn a huge crab, spread all round Animals Adjectives Objects Activities Geographical terms Log in to hear
sál-bhrú ar bhó a heel-bruise on a cow Animals Health Body Physical descriptions Activities Log in to hear
falc falcannaí fómhair, autumn showers a heavy shower Weather Seasons Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
cnapan a heap Abstract nouns Amount Everyday phrases Objects Log in to hear
péice g'fhear a half-fool of a man, a 'gom' Adjectives People Feelings Idioms Proverbs Log in to hear
saighean ba mhór a' saighean é a great sight, a great show entirely Abstract nouns Adjectives Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear