Irish English Tags Audio
go deonach voluntarily Adverbs Activities Feelings Personality Work Log in to hear
Níl aon chuma air go bhfuil an mhórchuid díobh sásta dul scrimh na hiongan féin sa treo eile fós Most of them don't seem to be willing to go their own way in the other direction yet Adjectives Adverbs Feelings Relationships Verbs Log in to hear
thaibhseofaí duit you would be apprehended Verbs To be able to Feelings Activities Everyday phrases Log in to hear
puinn puinn Abstract nouns Food and drink Feelings Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Log in to hear
arb é sin a mian, which is what he wants, Conversation Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Language Log in to hear
gur géillsinigh de that he obeyed Verbs Abstract nouns Activities Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
aimpléiseach ambiguous Adjectives Abstract nouns Feelings Conversation Personality Log in to hear
níos flaithiúla more generous Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Likes & dislikes Personality Log in to hear
Níl sa mhéid sin ach cnámha an scafaill These are just the bones of the scaffold Objects Everyday phrases Feelings Metaphors Physical descriptions Log in to hear
Níl uainn ach an t-orlach sin All we need is that inch Everyday phrases Amount Verbs Feelings Idioms Log in to hear
an cheist ag na geirbe the question is burning the guts Abstract nouns Feelings Idioms Activities Conversation Log in to hear
Dealraíonn It seems Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs Grammar Feelings Log in to hear
Is fiú an tseift seo This trick is worth it Abstract nouns Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Log in to hear
I I Pronouns Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
Is mian I want to Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings To be able to Log in to hear