Irish English Tags Audio
Go síoraí/go brách forever Abstract nouns Adverbs Time Log in to hear
Táim in ann é a aibhsiú I can highlight it Activities Verbs To be able to Everyday phrases Log in to hear
An t-achar Area Geographical terms Abstract nouns Measurements Log in to hear
Méid Amount Abstract nouns Amount Language Log in to hear
Ag comhaireamh To count Activities Verbs Abstract nouns Numbers To be able to Log in to hear
An céadatán Percentage Abstract nouns Measurement Log in to hear
Ligfidh leat/Scaolfaidh leat I'll let you go Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings Relationships Adjectives Log in to hear
Proinn Meal Food and drink Abstract nouns Log in to hear
Móiméid - Nóiméad Minute Abstract nouns Measurement Time Log in to hear
Bomaite (Uladh) Minute Abstract nouns Measurement Time Log in to hear
Nómait Minute Abstract nouns Measurement Time Log in to hear
stiallaithe/stróicthe torn Adjectives Feelings Everyday phrases Life & death Physical descriptions Log in to hear
Nuair a thiocfas muid ar ais When we come back Adverbs Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Time Log in to hear
Nuair a dhéanfas é sin When I will do that Everyday phrases Verbs Activities Grammar Time Log in to hear
Céard a thitfeas amach What will happen Everyday phrases Future Verbs Conversation Feelings Log in to hear