Irish English Tags Audio
smúitiú tá an ghealach faoi smúitiú, scamall thart orthaí Astronomy Weather Feelings Conversation Adjectives Log in to hear
stiúir bean gan chliú ná bád gan stiúir (sean-ocal); imeó' sí chuile áit, no control over her Abstract nouns Adjectives Conversation Feelings Idioms Log in to hear
suanaí níl ann ach suanaí, (tá sé) ciúin gan suim i gcaint aige; gan bheith a' caint Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Conversation Verbs Log in to hear
súmaire súmaire doracha go dhuine, a sile fellow with no word in him, who won't speak to you. Is deas a' rud píosa cainte, níor mhol éinne riamh a' súmaire Adjectives Feelings People Conversation Everyday phrases Log in to hear
tréamánta focal atá tréamánta sa gcaint Abstract nouns Adjectives Conversation Feelings Language Log in to hear
trioll in idiom thit a' trioll ar a' treall agam, I was completely non-plussed Everyday phrases Idioms Feelings Adjectives Conversation Log in to hear
tuata tuata a rinní é .i. fear gan cheird People Abstract nouns Feelings Adjectives Conversation Log in to hear
sin é an chaoí 'a bhfuil that's the way it is / goes Everyday phrases Idioms Conversation Feelings To be able to
An am amháin Once upon a time Everyday phrases Folklore Time Stories Conversation
agus dúirt go ngeobhfadh amach and he said that he would find out Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Conversation To be able to
agus labhair an tarbh leis and the bull spoke to him Animals Verbs Conversation Feelings Relationships
agus dúirt sé go mbeadh leis and he said, that he would belong to him Conversation Feelings Relationships Verbs Pronouns
"maith mar a tharla" ar seisean "good that it happened" says he Adjectives Adverbs Feelings Conversation Idioms
agus casadh leofa and they met Activities Verbs Relationships Conversation Past participle
labhair an gabhar leofa the goat spoke to them Animals Verbs Conversation Feelings Relationships