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riabhach lothantaí na riabhaí, last two days of March and first day of April Calendar & Seasons Geographical terms Everyday phrases Time People Log in to hear
sceataí lá sceataí .i. lá dósta, lá a mbeith gaoth láidir is fearthainn chruaidh Calendar & Seasons Feelings Weather Everyday phrases Activities Log in to hear
spéir-ghealaí oíche spéir-ghealaí Abstract nouns Adjectives Calendar & Seasons Places Nature Log in to hear
uair ar uair an dó dhéag, at twelve o' clock. Calendar & Seasons Time Prepositions Numbers Everyday phrases Log in to hear
bhí ann, ar laethanta saoire I was there on holidays Everyday phrases Calendar & Seasons Feelings Verbs Places
dhá bhliain déag ó shin twelve years ago Numbers Calendar & Seasons Time
"Ara", a deir Seán, "tá ag brú suas le aimsir na Nollag anois, amárach an Satharna Mór agus caithfidh muid a ghoil 'un an bhaile mhóir agus brógaí a fháil dhúinn féin. "Ara," says Seán, "it's getting close to Christmas now, tomorrow is the Big Saturday and we have to go to the big town and get shoes for ourselves. Everyday phrases Feelings Calendar & Seasons Activities People
Ar maidin, leis an bhfáinneachan bhí Seán ina shuí agus anuas le Pílí Cat ón lot', agus rinne Seán graithí na maidine. "In the morning, with the first light, Seán was up and down with Pílí Cat from the shed, and Seán did the morning chores." Calendar & Seasons Activities People Animals Everyday phrases
Blianta ó shin, ar ndóigh. Years ago, of course. Calendar & Seasons Time Everyday phrases Interjections Past participle
B'fhéidir an chéad mhí eile, b'fhéidir go bhfaighidh scata cearca, le cúnamh Dé. Maybe next month, maybe I'll get a batch of chickens, God willing. Calendar & Seasons Animals Feelings Food and drink Everyday phrases