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go leor curtha ann there are many buried here Amount Everyday phrases Feelings Place names Verbs
Soir ansin To the east, there Geographical terms Prepositions The city Place names Direction
thall, gar go leor an áit sin over/beyond, close enough to this place Prepositions Place names Adverbs Everyday phrases Geographical terms
ar fud an all over the house Everyday phrases Prepositions The home Expressions of extent Place names
athchomair tá sí sin ag imeacht go hathchomair, travelling fast. This was quoted for me by PsC as a Donegallism, i. the word athchomair. Activities Adverbs Colloquialisms Feelings Place names Log in to hear
"Gabhfaidh anonn", a' dúirt a' chat "I'll go over there", said the cat Activities Animals Conversation Verbs Place names
agus d'imigh an rubálaidhe a bhí ann amach and the two robbers who were in it, went out People Activities Verbs Adjectives Place names
rith an chaoileach taobh amuigh as cionn an tigh the cock ran outside from over the house Animals Activities Place names Prepositions Verbs
Bhí conaí ar an oileáin seo, i bhfad roimhe cuimhne sínseara na bhfear seo. There were people living on the island long before the ancestors of these men People Place names Life & death History Geographical terms
Bhog siad leo chun bóthair. They went along the road. Activities Transport Verbs The city Place names
Théigh é féin ag an tinidh agus fuaigh isteach faoin mbairille. He heated himself by the fire and he went in under the barrel. Activities Feelings The home Verbs Place names
Sin Darach Ó Cathain, as . . . fear Rath Cairn? That's Darach Ó Cathain, from. . . Rath Cairn man? People Geographical terms Conversation Identifiers Place names
mise ar an taobh eile den oileán. I'm on the other side of the island. Geographical terms Prepositions Place names Everyday phrases The seashore
fíon thar a bheith go maith anseo. Agus ar ndóigh bíonn . . . The wine is very good here. And of course. . . Food and drink Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Place names
Agus gabhar cupla gabhar a bheith ag an a bheadh síos an bóthar uait, And a goat or a couple of goats were with the person down the road from you, Animals People Place names Everyday phrases Activities