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sinneán gaoithe níl ann ach a' sinneán sin, his bark is worse than his bite blast of wind Idioms Animals Feelings Weather Everyday phrases Log in to hear
giúraí ar adhmad fhásas na giúraí; an chéad chót' - caonach, an dara cót' - giúraí, an tríhú cót' - má sheasann a' t-adhmad barnacles (on timber) Activities Objects Plants Animals The seashore Log in to hear
broc chomh fallsa le broc, as lasy as a badger. badger Animals Adjectives Idioms Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
sáilín ar éanachaí géadh gearrfa muid a' sáilín gon ghé, we'll cut off the 'sáilín', for identification purposes back-toe on goslings Activities Everyday phrases Food and drink Animals Objects Log in to hear
cuais at seashore, hole wherein crab is found Geographical terms Seashore wildlife Objects Activities Animals Log in to hear
bean-ghabhair another name for the mionnán aerach or male snipe drumming in flight. Animals Activities Folklore Geographical terms Life & death Log in to hear
láimhíneach angel-fish: claigeann mór millteach agus cluasa móra (air); 2ft long, edible, price a' sciata (skate) Animals Food and drink Measurement Adjectives People Log in to hear
bing bing a bheith air an upward limit or ceiling to be set to the number of cattle to be taken in from each tenant for grazing on commons land Abstract nouns Activities Animals Farming life Relationships Log in to hear
grágaíl also of an ass 'braying'. Animals Noise and sounds Verbs Folklore Everyday phrases Log in to hear
freangach also called dallóg, lesser dog-fish; in English tanny fish (tonnies) and cat-fish (MR); these are viviparous .i. bruideáileann siad; the young are brógaí taidbhs' and are to be found ins a' leas (in the sea-weed). Animals Food and drink Everyday phrases Health Seashore wildlife Log in to hear
goiriúint the cock is said to be a' goiriúint san oíche, but a' glaoch in the daytime (PsC); nuair a ghoirfeadh an coileach, when the cock would crow, early in the morning (MC). act of crowing Activities Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Time Log in to hear
céiseóg banbh céiseóige ar a' gcéad ál, a piglet of a sow's first litter. a young sow having first litter Animals Food and drink Feelings Life & death Relationships Log in to hear
caróg a small species of seagull, most likely the black-headed gull. There were big numbers of carógs on the island of Moyinnish (?) in Clew Bay where limestone was got to build Inishkea school Animals Geographical terms Buildings Numbers Places Log in to hear
eireóg a pullet Animals Food and drink Life & death Farming life Objects Log in to hear
sionnachóir lae a pet day, i.e. one fine day during a spell of wet weather Everyday phrases Weather Animals Feelings Adjectives Log in to hear