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innis is ait an innis í sin (Sb), that is a wonderful innis, i. excellent land. Feelings Adjectives Places Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Log in to hear
salann 'sé an salann soir é géadhaí Iorrais thíocht go hEacaill (MC), it is like coals to Newcastl (sean-ocal). Idioms Folklore Comparatives Places Food and drink Log in to hear
spéir-ghealaí oíche spéir-ghealaí Abstract nouns Adjectives Calendar & Seasons Places Nature Log in to hear
uaigneach áit uaigneach, a place full of ghosts Abstract nouns Adjectives Geographical terms Folklore Places Log in to hear
bhí ann, ar laethanta saoire I was there on holidays Everyday phrases Calendar & Seasons Feelings Verbs Places
's nuair a tháinic coirnéal a' bhóthair and when he came to the corner of the road Prepositions Verbs Everyday phrases Places Transportation
nuair a tháinic an tarbh ag a' doras when the bull arrived at the door Animals Events Buildings Places Physical contact
agus sheas an caora ag bun an doras and the sheep stood at the bottom of the door Animals Objects Places Adjectives Everyday phrases
agus nuair a thainic ag a' doras and when he arrived at the door Activities Everyday phrases Prepositions Verbs Places
fuaigh suas ag a' tine he went up to the fire Activities Objects Verbs Places Weather
agus nuair a ghabh go doras eile and when he went to the other door Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Places The home
Bhí fear ina chónaí leis féin i nGob Oiligh fadó a dtugadh siad Seán a' Ghoib air, agus raibh de chomhluadar aige faoi chaolach an ach dhá chat Cat mór bán ar bhaist Pílí Cat Bán air, agus cat dubh caol fada ar bhaist Caolchat na Luathadh air. There was a man living on his own on the Ely peninsula long ago that they called Seán of the Peninsula, and he had no company under the roof of the house except two cats. A big white cat he named White Pílí Cat, and a long slender black cat he named Speedy Slimcat. People Animals Places Everyday phrases Folklore
Chuile áit dtéadh Seán, síos aníos an pháirc, thart ar an teach, siar sa ngarraí agus nuair a théadh ar a chuairt i dteach ar bith ar an mbaile, leanadh Pílí Cat é agus d'fhanadh taobh amuigh ar an bhfuinneog ag faire isteach a fhad is bheadh Seán ar a chuairt agus nuair a bheadh Seán ag tíocht abhaile dhá chuairt shiúladh Pílí Cat cois ar chois leis. Everywhere Seán went, up and down the field, around the house, west in the garden, and when he would visit any house in the town, Pílí the Cat would follow him and would stay outside by the window watching in as long as Seán was on his visit, and when Seán would be coming home from his visit, Pílí Cat would walk step by step with him. Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Places Transportation
Agus bhíodh Seán ag faire síos ar íochtar an agus d'fheiceadh scáile Phílí Cat thíos ar an mbinn; bhí ag tíocht idir solas na tineadh agus an bhinn. And Seán would look down at the bottom of the house and he would see the shadow of Pílí Cat down on the hearth; he was coming between the light of the fire and the hearth. People Places The home Feelings Verbs
Is é an áit a gcodlaíodh Pílí Cat chuile oíche thíos ar an lota sa bhféar os cionn na agus an asail a bhí ceagailte in íochtar an tí. The place where Pílí Cat slept every night was down on the blanket in the grass above the cows and the donkey that were tied at the bottom of the house. Places Animals Everyday phrases Countryside The home