Irish English Tags Audio
Thógfadh siad feochán chéile They'd take wind of each other Activities Everyday phrases Idioms Relationships Verbs Log in to hear
Lánúin Married couple People Relationships The family Feelings Adjectives Log in to hear
In aice leis an mnaoi Beside the woman Prepositions People The home Relationships Conversational phrases Log in to hear
Ar do thoil agat You have the hang of it Feelings Everyday phrases Idioms Relationships Activities Log in to hear
Ag dul i bhfeidhm orthu Having an effect on them Activities Feelings Relationships Verbs To be able to Log in to hear
Is múinteoir mé? I'm a teacher Activities People Education Everyday phrases Relationships
Teach altranais Nursing home Buildings Health The home People Relationships
Le mo chuid cairde With my friends Relationships Everyday phrases People Conversation Activity
Bainis Wedding Abstract nouns Relationships Life & death Celebration Buildings Log in to hear
Muintir People (Parents) People The family Relationships Abstract nouns Activities
Do lámha deise Your right hand Body Adjectives People Relationships Physical descriptions
uasal noble/upper Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Personality Relationships
Táim ag iarraidh ort teacht liom I'm asking you to come with me Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings Relationships
Teifeach Refugee Abstract nouns People Relationships Life & death Disaster
Agam, Agat, Aige, Aici, Againn, Agaibh, Acu At me, At you etc Everyday phrases Pronouns Physical contact Relationships Interjections