Irish English Tags Audio
giúsach crann giúsaí a fáitear sa bportach, bog deal. Plants Animals Feelings Everyday phrases Countryside Log in to hear
glafar chuirfeadh sé glafar as Verbs Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Interjections Log in to hear
glas rua léana glas rua léana a chuireas bás ar na géabhaí Abstract nouns Adjectives Animals Feelings Verbs Log in to hear
gné ní fhaca sé a ghath ná a ghné, he saw nothing Feelings Conversation Adjectives Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
greallach tá sé 'n-a ghreallach amháin Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases To be able to Interjections Log in to hear
griúil tá griúil ar a' tsúp (hare's soup) le teann mathas, it is so rich and full of goodness Food and drink Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Activities Log in to hear
guth níor airigh sé a ghuth ná a dhath, he heard nothing (AL); níl a ghuth ná a ghré ach go . . . there was nothing in it but . . . Feelings Noise and sounds Everyday phrases Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
innis is ait an innis í sin (Sb), that is a wonderful innis, i. excellent land. Feelings Adjectives Places Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Log in to hear
iogallach bhí iogallach ar a' bhfaraige (PR); iogallach nuair bhíos a' t-ionradh agus a' ghaoth i n-aghaidh a chéilí go do dhalladh sa gcurach (AL). Feelings Weather Adjectives Activities Life & death Log in to hear
ionad in phr. i n-ionad, at the end of: bhí sé feadh bliana ag muintir na bruíne, agus annsin bhí a bhean le goil a' pósadh i n-ionad (n)a bliana, at the end of the year, when the year was up Everyday phrases Time Feelings Relationships Activities Log in to hear
leac a' bhladair is tú leac a' bhladair (adéarfá) le páiste a bheith a' dúil le sweets Everyday phrases Feelings Food and drink Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
Leám n. pr. : cuimhnigh ar Leám (adéarfa) le fear a' bualadh asail. Bé' tú sách luath ag droch-mhargadh, Leám adúirt é sin leis a' bhfear a bhí a' bualadh an asail; bhí deifir mhór air a' goil 'un cogaidh Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs People Log in to hear
léine i n-a léinidh (ag obair), in his shirt-sleeves (ML); alb, surplice: is geal í do léinidh indiu agus is dubh í seachtain ó 'ndiu, your alb is white today but it will be black a week from today. This from the back was Brian Rua's answer to the priest who called his name from the altar (SBh). Clothes Adjectives Everyday phrases People Feelings Log in to hear
líne na líntí is na líntí, generations and generations Time Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Reduplication Feelings Log in to hear
lorg a lorg, nothing, following a dhath, finally - a dhath . . . a lorg (negatively) Everyday phrases Feelings Interjections Adverbs Objects Log in to hear