Irish English Tags Audio
Go mall/Go déanach Late Adjectives Adverbs Time Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
scaitheamh/tamall fada It's been a long while Time Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Adverbs Log in to hear
Ag lámhacán crawling on hands on feet Activities Verbs Physical contact Adverbs Everyday phrases
Uaireanta/Scaití Occasionally Adverbs Time Everyday phrases Activities Life & death Log in to hear
Níos gaire closer Adjectives Comparatives Adverbs Log in to hear
a theacht léithe héin. to come with herself Pronouns Verbs Activities Relationships Adverbs
ag imeacht dhuithe going away from her Activities Verbs Relationships Adverbs Physical contact
Oh, thainig an stoirm, thaing an-tobann, an-tobann - gála mór. The storm came very quickly - big swell. Weather Adverbs Adjectives Disaster Noise and sounds
Inis dhom rud éicint, a John Tell me John Conversation People Adverbs
an bealach sin that way Prepositions Everyday phrases Adverbs Geographical terms Conversation
mar a dearfá you'd say Everyday phrases Conversation Verbs Adverbs Language
go forleathan widely Adverbs Comparatives
is minic a déarfaí it would often be said Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs Idioms Language
thall, gar go leor an áit sin over/beyond, close enough to this place Prepositions Place names Adverbs Everyday phrases Geographical terms
ar an Tír Thiar, fad ó shin in the West, a long time ago Geographical terms Time Adverbs Abstract nouns Everyday phrases