Irish English Tags Audio
rón in phr. sínte siar i n-a rón, lying down in a lazy posture like a seal Activities Adjectives Animals Folklore Similes Log in to hear
salann 'sé an salann soir é géadhaí Iorrais thíocht go hEacaill (MC), it is like coals to Newcastl (sean-ocal). Idioms Folklore Comparatives Places Food and drink Log in to hear
Santa Bairbre Santa Bairbre i n-aghaidh na dtoirní. shantie Bhairble i n-aghaidh na dtoirní (CN): prionsa a rabh teach iarainn aige chuir an toirní sa spéir é. Ní rabh ag Santa Bairble ach shantie agus ní dearnadh a dhath air (CN). People Folklore Religion Buildings Adjectives Log in to hear
seamair a' tseamhair Mhuire, ceire dilleógaí orthaí (Sb), the four-leaved shamrock (AL). Plants Folklore Animals Language Abstract nouns Log in to hear
speinn buailfidhear speinn air - na daoine maithe, he will become subject to, or under the spell of fairies (heard only once). Activities Folklore Feelings Adjectives Verbs Log in to hear
trom-chúis le trom-chúis adúirt sé é, for fun, humbugging (bean AOS); trom-chúis - grataí magaidh (AL). Contrast D. Activities Everyday phrases Folklore Language Feelings Log in to hear
tuatach ceárdaí tuatach, one who does not have his trade, a "gobbawn" tradesman. Abstract nouns Adjectives People Folklore Activities Log in to hear
túnaois thug sé túnaois dó, a small beating, black-eye, perhaps (TmB); cf. Béaloideas, xvii, 257 (six lines from bottom): bhuail siad túnaois mhaith orthú, from Pádraig Mac Meanaman, An Claigeann, in aice le Baile Chruaich. Activities Feelings Physical contact Objects Folklore Log in to hear
uaigneach áit uaigneach, a place full of ghosts Abstract nouns Adjectives Geographical terms Folklore Places Log in to hear
An am amháin Once upon a time Everyday phrases Folklore Time Stories Conversation
agus dúirt an gabhar and the goat said Animals Conversation Verbs Folklore Life & death
'Bhfuil aon cuimhne agatsa ar shean-scéalta sa cheantar seo shean-bhéaloideas? Do you remember any old stories from this area or folklore? Folklore Conversation Geographical terms Feelings Everyday phrases
Bhí cailleach anseo in Éirinn fadó. There was a witch in Ireland long ago Folklore Location Past Tense Indicative
Bhí fear ina chónaí leis féin i nGob Oiligh fadó a dtugadh siad Seán a' Ghoib air, agus raibh de chomhluadar aige faoi chaolach an ach dhá chat Cat mór bán ar bhaist Pílí Cat Bán air, agus cat dubh caol fada ar bhaist Caolchat na Luathadh air. There was a man living on his own on the Ely peninsula long ago that they called Seán of the Peninsula, and he had no company under the roof of the house except two cats. A big white cat he named White Pílí Cat, and a long slender black cat he named Speedy Slimcat. People Animals Places Everyday phrases Folklore
Thit ar an rí-chat an scéal a insean. It fell to the king-cat to tell the story. Animals People Activities Folklore Adjectives