Irish English Tags Audio
séan (it was in the prophecy) go séanfá do bhó héin ar do dhoras héin, that you would deny your own cow at your own door (people may do this to qualify for state assistance) deny Activities Feelings Idioms Money Life & death Log in to hear
páinéid tá an phláinéid athruí, (our) climate has changed, we now get a different kind of weather climate Abstract nouns Adjectives Everyday phrases Weather Life & death Log in to hear
boráiste charlock, which in other parts of the country is called praiseach Plants Geographical terms Food and drink Conversation Life & death Log in to hear
lot cancer (inward) Abstract nouns Health Feelings Life & death Disaster Log in to hear
snaidhm buaic binding of face of corpse Body Life & death Activities Objects Physical contact Log in to hear
crios belt (on sheaf of corn), but a soldier's belt is beilt. Objects Food and drink Activities Everyday phrases Life & death Log in to hear
bean-ghabhair another name for the mionnán aerach or male snipe drumming in flight. Animals Activities Folklore Geographical terms Life & death Log in to hear
comh-dheasach ambi-dexterous Adjectives Abilities Physical descriptions Personality Life & death Log in to hear
céiseóg banbh céiseóige ar a' gcéad ál, a piglet of a sow's first litter. a young sow having first litter Animals Food and drink Feelings Life & death Relationships Log in to hear
eireóg a pullet Animals Food and drink Life & death Farming life Objects Log in to hear
fíor-chapall a mare that would have eleven foals. This does not seem right; likely the word means a 'bred horse'. Animals Feelings Life & death Language Objects Log in to hear
cáithleán a kind of sea-grass: a' fás ar a' milliúir Plants Seashore wildlife Life & death Everyday phrases Geographical terms Log in to hear
aisling a dream Abstract nouns Feelings Life & death Folklore Activities Log in to hear
buacall a creeping plant growing in sand, somewhat like scutch-grass; it is used a' ceangailt na mbaoití ins na potaí (gliomach). Plants Food and drink Activities Adjectives Life & death Log in to hear
adhlacadh 'was buried', (occurs only in prayers.) Verbs Past participle Religion Life & death Everyday phrases Log in to hear