Irish English Tags Audio
Ceapadh é/Gabhadh é He was arrested Activities Verbs Feelings Life & death People Log in to hear
Pionós Penalty/Fine Abstract nouns Money Arguments Activities Feelings Log in to hear
Géarchéim Crisis Abstract nouns Disaster Feelings Life & death Arguments Log in to hear
Ag tréigean/Ag tréigmheáil To abandon Verbs Activities Feelings To be able to Life & death Log in to hear
chuimilt tear Abstract nouns Feelings Physical contact Log in to hear
níos dílse more loyal Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Personality Relationships Log in to hear
a chinntiú dúinn assure us Activities Verbs Feelings Conversation Relationships Log in to hear
streachailt struggle Abstract nouns Activities Feelings Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Ach thugtar dóthain airde air seo. But this is not given enough attention. Abstract nouns Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Log in to hear
báúil sympathetic Adjectives Feelings Personality Likes & dislikes Terms of endearment Log in to hear
tromlach heavy Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Objects Weight Log in to hear
ghráin hate Abstract nouns Feelings Likes & dislikes Log in to hear
díograiseach enthusiastic Adjectives Feelings Personality Likes & dislikes Everyday phrases Log in to hear
cúiteamh compensation Abstract nouns Money Feelings Work Arguments Log in to hear
is éirimiúla most intelligent Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Personality Likes & dislikes Log in to hear